UPI: How India’s Payment System Compares Internationally


In our era of a cashless economy, UPI payment, also known as a unified payment interface, has truly emerged as a shining star in the global financial landscape. NPCI developed UPI – the national payments corporation of India, and this development revolutionized the way we Indians transact. We know the importance of UPI in our daily lives, but do we know how this payment interface is making up on the global stage? We will explore the same in this article and understand the potential of UPI for reshaping our global payments industry.

The Genesis of UPI

UPI was created to streamline the instant payment process for peer-to-peer transactions in 2016, with its objective of simplifying digital payments and bridging the gap between consumers and merchants. UPI achieved this smoothly with instant fund transfers, which could be done easily from bank accounts using your smartphones.

Global Payment Systems vs. UPI

  • Speed and Convenience: One of the leading highlights UPI offers is its astounding speed and comfort, while frameworks like Quick can take way longer, from days to weeks, to prepare worldwide installments. UPI, on the other hand, is known for its speed, which is why it has ended up a go-to choice for millions of Indians rather than any payment card.
  • Interoperability: For any savings app or payment app to become successful, it should be able to cater to a larger section of society, and UPI’s simpler approach caught the attention of many. Users easily navigate through the process of transactions, and this interoperability is truly working in favor of UPI.
  • Security: Security is the most required thing when it comes to any account savings or transactions, be they domestic or international. UPI employs some of the best security measures, like two-factor authentication and encryption, that ensure the safety of these transactions. UPI, with its security measures, has a high standard for security in the digital payments sector.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: UPI transactions are cost-effective and often free for users, which is a major attraction for both individuals and businesses. In contrast, international payment systems may charge substantial fees for cross-border transactions, making UPI an economically viable alternative. UPI also offers online gift cards and rewards, further elevating the customer experience.

Global Impact of UPI

  • Cross-Border Remittances: The immense success of UPI has inspired other countries to develop and be innovative with their own payment systems and improve cross-border transactions. This development and innovation in the remittance industry could spark some more efficient ways for faster and cost-effective money transactions.
  • Digital Innovation: The rise and adoption of UPI has also led to more focus on digital innovations in the fintech sector. Not only startups but also established financial institutions are exploring different ways to leverage instant payment systems and offer innovative financial products to their customers.

UPI’s influence extends beyond India’s borders. Several countries are now looking to India as a model for creating their instant payment systems. From government policies to digital innovations, developing countries have an eye on our developments, and we are making our influence globally as well.